IT Exam-passokay
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70-488 Exam guide dumps


70-488 Exam guide dumps Empty 70-488 Exam guide dumps

帖子 由 Admin 周四 十月 23, 2014 9:07 am

After so many years of development, the game console has finally entered into the HD era. Although the venue is only a few CG broadcast film, but the media and the players are still *** enough to believe that passokay this passokay era is that passokay we embrace generation high-definition gaming. After a series of waiting, we have to accept the fact that passokay a very helpless: 70-488 1080p in this passokay generation is already impossible task. In the current view, full HD, but only one can not expect and dream. Who can achieve 1080p 4AA 60fps, who is justifiably next-generation console. Who reach, who is bullying, is the world's second player to deceive! This passokay point, will passokay be Microsoft's pain.
So Microsoft is currently in competition with passokay Sony's among the biggest disadvantage may not be forced intranet, not the prohibition on secondary trading, including support for indie developers enough. Microsoft's real crisis lies: all aware of the PC and the host architecture has been the day of the Pearl River, but in far less than the host because of 70-488 cost performance PC (a tactical nuclear GTX680 graphics card will passokay be able to buy two hosts), the Microsoft production host we still lag behind in performance on paper nearly 30 percent more than PS4, which passokay undoubtedly a serious impediment to expand Xbox One of the market. Because, although the difference between 900p 1080p with passokay not too large, but in marketing, this passokay is a world of difference, which passokay is undoubtedly flawed Microsoft products.


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注册日期 : 14-06-18

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