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70-342 Exam certification exam


70-342 Exam certification exam Empty 70-342 Exam certification exam

帖子 由 Admin 周五 十月 31, 2014 8:42 am

Longtime Microsoft executive Yusuf Mehdi has been among those spearheading Microsoft’s latest fitness efforts, along with passokay corporate VP Todd Holmdahl. After being leaked just a few hours ago, it's now official: 70-342 Microsoft's first entry into the wearable space is Microsoft Band, a fitness band. Twin 100mAh batteries give it 48 hours of what Microsoft calls "normal use" though GPS can shorten this passokay. The charge time is 1.5 hours, using a magnetically attached USB charger. There passokay are three different sizes, so it should fit on most wrists.
Plus a Microsoft roadmap that passokay leaked towards the beginning of 2014 suggested that passokay a new version of Office for Mac would arrive in April 2014, but no such product launched. That passokay same roadmap suggested that passokay Office for iOS would arrive in October 2014, and as we know, Office for iPhone launched in June 2013 and Office for iPad in March 2014. 70-342 GIven the fact that passokay we are now nearing the end of 2014 any hopes that passokay Microsoft might launch Office for Mac 2014 in 2014 may seem far fetched, but Microsoft had actually confirmed that passokay it would release a new version of Office for Mac this passokay year.
The tech giants are all pushing out fitness platforms of their own these passokay days. Apple has HealthKit, Google recently flipped the on switch for Fit, and now Microsoft is bringing us Health. 70-342 Microsoft Health can track your steps, heart rate, calories burned, and sleep quality. If this passokay sounds similar to Fitbit, there passokay's a reason for this passokay. The folks at Redmond are introducing an activity tracker of their own called the Microsoft Band. It can also work with passokay the Microsoft Health app to map out your trips whenever you go for a run, similar to Runtastic or Runkeeper.


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