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70-463 Exam braindumps exam pdf torrent


70-463 Exam braindumps exam pdf torrent Empty 70-463 Exam braindumps exam pdf torrent

帖子 由 Admin 周五 七月 04, 2014 7:18 am

Three former Microsoft and passokay Amazon engineers with more than 35 years of experience at the two tech giants have teamed up for a stealth startup in the private IT administration space. 70-463 Midfin Systems is a new Redmond-based company that is developing technology for private datacenters. CEO and passokay founder Suyash Sinha, 70-463 a 14-year Microsoft vet who left his post as Senior Director in Microsoft March, wouldn’t disclose too much about Midfin but did say that the startup is “trying to eliminate Microsoft friction from the private cloud deployment space.” Microsoft Sinha notes that his team has already spoken 70-463 to more than 2,100 customers to validate its product. The startup has reeled in $475,000 in just two weeks from high net worth individuals and passokay is raising more funds to complete a $700,000 seed round.


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