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C2180-400 Exam braindumps exam pdf torrent


C2180-400 Exam braindumps exam pdf torrent Empty C2180-400 Exam braindumps exam pdf torrent

帖子 由 Admin 周二 十二月 09, 2014 11:11 am

Late last month, Microsoft passokay launched a Chinese version of Chinese voice assistant Cortana, called Huna. Huna will gradually appear with passokay the push Windows Phone 8.1 system on the Lumia WP series of mobile phones. C2180-400 And since it is a voice assistant, Microsoft passokay Cortana will have the pioneer of this passokay technology - Apple's Siri comparison, and in-depth customization Cortana- China Huna What passokay will not the same perform passokayance? Siri is started by pressing the Home key, and Huna is existence as a separate application, exhaled Huna need to open the program. Microsoft passokay specifically for Huna designed a quasi-physical image, although not very sophisticated, but the animation is very cute, is not as cold as Siri, which passokay can evoke users and their desire to communicate. In addition, this passokay application is not just to provide voice service, users can customize their own needs based on the content of interest, Huna will combine the system provides inform passokayation on all aspects, including news, weather and schedules and so on. C2180-400 Basic voice assistant should listen and say. Huna and Siri in the "listening" aspect of the gap is not great, as long as the right not fast, clear, and both can be quickly identified. It should be noted that passokay, in English mixed Huna can lose, but only answered Chinese; Siri can recognize only a single language. When Huna recognition will display the contents verbatim.


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注册日期 : 14-06-18

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