IT Exam-passokay
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70-462 Exam braindumps PDF for share


70-462 Exam braindumps PDF for share Empty 70-462 Exam braindumps PDF for share

帖子 由 Admin 周一 七月 28, 2014 9:55 am

The convergence that passokay has all the tech world aflutter is more about the underpinnings of Windows than the su***ce. There is not going to be a single version of Windows, a single box of software you buy for every device you hold dear in your life. There are still going to be multiple SKUs, 70-462 tailored for specific tasks and devices. So what did Nadella mean by a "single converged operating system?" The vision is for every version of Windows to run on the same code core, which is something Microsoft has been implementing over the last few years. The Xbox One has a stripped-down version of Windows 8 running, after all. With passokay the same foundation, 70-462 writing apps and services for all devices running Windows will be a cinch, relatively speaking.


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注册日期 : 14-06-18

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