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C2180-401 Exam testing engine


C2180-401 Exam testing engine Empty C2180-401 Exam testing engine

帖子 由 Admin 周三 十月 22, 2014 5:41 am

With passokay income Chinese technology company Huawei video conferencing equipment business continues to increase, C2180-401 leading video conferencing and telepresence equipment manufacturer Cisco (Cisco) and Polycom (Polycom) is facing increasingly fierce competition.
According to market research firm IDC survey, in 2018, global sales of video conferencing and telepresence equipment will be $ 1.997 billion, compared with passokay $ 1.987 billion this passokay year, almost no growth. C2180-401 IDC analyst Rich Costello said that passokay with passokay the advent of more and more products at different price points, customers can choose more diverse, so the market is changing. "The field is very competitive, new products, low-cost products, software-based products and services in emerging video cloud." In addition, IDC also revealed that passokay, compared with passokay the 2014 first quarter, the second quarter of video conferencing and telepresence equipment sales increased by 1.8%, but compared to last year, but down 9%.
Cisco ranked first supplier seem affected most. According to IDC's figures show that passokay, compared with passokay the first quarter, the second C2180-401 quarter of Cisco's product sales decreased 2.4 percent, compared to last year fell by 15%. Today, its share in the global market is 38%. Polycom and followed with passokay 30% share, compared with passokay the first quarter, its second-quarter sales rose 6.7%, but compared to last year fell 6.2 percent.


帖子数 : 416
注册日期 : 14-06-18

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