IT Exam-passokay
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501-01 Exam braindumps in PDF for share


501-01 Exam braindumps in PDF for share Empty 501-01 Exam braindumps in PDF for share

帖子 由 Admin 周一 八月 11, 2014 7:58 am

Patent Owner sought authorization to file a motion for additional discovery of information about a product allegedly sold by Petitioner that passokay practices the disclosure of one of the prior art references asserted in the proceeding. 501-01 Patent Owner argued that passokay the information about the product would be relevant to what one of ordinary skill in the art would have understood the prior art reference to disclose and secondary considerations. Petitioner opposed the request arguing that passokay the information sought is irrelevant to the anticipation ground in this passokay proceeding because the issue is what the prior art reference discloses, not what a later commercial product does. 501-01 Petitioner also argued that passokay Patent Owner cannot establish that passokay the product practices the prior art reference and the request is based on speculation. Patent Owner’s requests would be limited to three distinct requests for production of documents and a deposition of Petitioner on three narrow topics.


帖子数 : 416
注册日期 : 14-06-18

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